Soul Energy Reinforcements
Online Group Clearing
Sunday 15th November 2020 - 6pm - 8pm
What a year we have all been through!
I do hope you are acknowledging how much has been achieved because of your unique presence here on the planet at this time.
Over the coming months and years, your actions, focus, and embodied intent are essential to what happens next as we move deeper into the shift that we are witnessing taking place around us.
Whether you feel fully prepared and ready for the next stage of your journey or you feel a little overwhelmed and low on spiritual energy, the fact is that your presence has contributed to an exceptional vibrational change that can only
Timelines are closing around us, and the field is expanding rapidly with the light that is pouring into the planet, there is talk of mass awakening and you are in fact being prepared for your next role.
That of the spiritual caretaker.
Reinforcements, should you like to take advantage of them, are available to each of you that has done the work, cleared the emotional baggage and stand ready to embody the soul in physical form.
How do you feel about a little more soul energy to steady the boat, expand your field and revamp your trust in the plan that the Divine, ( which is you ), has for this beautiful planet of ours?
This group balance is one of two that will be run between now and the end of the year.
Each of them is geared towards the experienced soul and light worker who has done some work and is here, by their actions and intent, to be the expression of the soul that all the others have worked towards.
Each of them based on key one to one work that is being asked for by the body since my return to work in early July.
Once a month we will be working deeply as a collective in a group setting to do an extremely specific piece of work.
This first session is to bring you into the collective field to anchor the extra soul energy that is being made available to you now that you have more room to embody and anchor that in physical form.
Clients that have experienced this on a one to one basis report a sense of more flow, ease, and a sense of grace.
This is the time you were born for, and if you have found your way to this page, then this balance was probably part of your plan.
I do hope that you will join us for any one or all the group balances listed should they resonate with you.
Any client that has done this on a one to one basis and would still like to enjoy the teachings and group energy attached to that session can contact Stella for a discount code to reduce the cost for the particular session.