Stepping Into Courage
A Five Day Cost Free Program
Preparing For The Next Phase Of The Shift By Aligning to Your Truth
Tuesday 23rd June - Saturday 27th June
7pm BST, 11 am PDT, 2pm EDT
" A wonderful heartfelt offering at a time when it is most needed.
Amazing to be part of a group of 120+ souls who feel called to do their inner work to support their outer work "
DW via Facebook
As we prepare to move out of the lock down situation the time for stepping forward and owning your light has never been more necessary.
You will have witnessed many people have been terrified by the media coverage of the current situation, indeed that fear may well have triggered a great deal within your field too.
As we move to the next phase of the shift you will see and feel the rage, grief and bewilderment triggered by a sense of betrayal as things come into the open for all to see .
You will be observing history in the making as the second mass awakening sends ripples through the collective and if you do not observe these outpourings from a place of presence you will feel a growing sense of isolation and overwhelm .
Now is the time for strong boundaries and to be sure of what it is you believe . It is also time to make a firm commitment to being the difference you came here to be.
It's a time when you will need to step into courage and stand for your truth when you are inevitably challenged by those who are strongly aligned to the old ways .
Over these 5 days together we will be working as a collective to clear the field of the limiting triggers that encourage every soul on this planet to believe themselves to be less than, small and insignificant .
I hope this resonates and look forward to seeing you online if it does