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Ancestral Clearing

Half Day Group Clearing Workshop 

Sunday 30th April 2017 - 1.30 pm - 4.30 pm


“I truly believe that there are no such things as chance and to find someone with such a wealth of information and knowledge to support me on my journey locally is a wonderful piece of synchronicity”  

Mrs S A - Solihull

Our Ancestral lineage was honored by the ancients and indigenous of the world. What many of the indigenous understood is that on a karmic level we are very often our own ancestors and the honoring our lineage was actually an honoring of ourselves.  We in the modern world can be accused of moving away from this practice but emerging science is giving us an ever increasing understanding of the impact our ancestral lineage can have on the day to day lives of each and every one of us.

Many of you may not be aware that at some level you are carrying the “emotional baggage” of your ancestors. This “baggage” in turn has a biological, mental and emotional impact on each and every one of us.  As an example a recent study demonstrated that the grandchildren of holocaust victims are more inclined to suffer from anxiety due to inter generational transmission of trauma.

As interest in the fields of epigenetic science and micro biology grows there is ever increasing evidence that we are indeed affected by the life experiences of our ancestors. Each and every one of us has ancestors who have experienced the horror and loss of war, infanticide, persecution, extreme poverty, hunger and even slavery to name but a few. You are carrying the impact of these experiences at the cellular level and this will in turn be impacting you on a subconscious level.

Clearing at the cellular level is an essential part of the process each and every one of us is undertaking at this time of rapid energetic expansion.  In this half day group clearing workshop we will explore in more detail the impact that the life experiences of our ancestors may be having on us today before clearing those patterns from our field. Ancestral clearing can break significant patterns of behavior or emotional responses to life.

Very often clients are aware that they have a self sabotaging subconscious programmes running in the background. What they don’t always realise is that their ancestral lineage may well be a significant part of these programmes. 

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us : ​

Teas and Coffees included.

Sunday 30th April 2017 - 1.30 pm - 4.30 pm

This workshop is being held at the following location :

The Solihull Women's Institute

745 Warwick Road, Solihull, B91 3DG

Despite this workshop being held at the WI men are more than welcome to attend

Parking is available to the rear of the WI FOC or directly cross the road at a rate of £4 for the day

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